Pet Energy Healings & Readings

My passion and purpose are to align your heart, soul, and spirit by showing you how to manifest the heart’s desire. I will show you how to bring more magic, love, and abundance into your life.

Vickie loves to be the voice for pets!

Animals pick up our stress and health issues. Energy healings are a very effective way to lessen pain, balance mood, rid disease, and increase overall health. They are also very receptive to this type of healing! You can instantly see the effects as they relax and feel what is occurring within their body. In Vickie’s healings, she will feel what they are feeling. She will then work either energetically or hands-on within their energy field releasing stuck energy, which causes pain, illness, and disease. She will balance their energy field, clear their chakras, and do whatever is needed to help them heal. Animals love energy healings and should get them often to maintain a healthy, happy life.

I do my healings in person or remotely recording the session. For my remote healings, I record the session. The pet will receive the healing remotely while I am working on their energy. 

Provide your pet’s name and a picture and I can tune into their well-being. When I’m conducting a reading, I can explain the following:

Any health concerns and overall wellness including…

  • What they are thinking and feeling and if they are happy.
  • What food is best for them and if they need additional supplements.
  • Behavior issues and why they are happening.
  • If they want another pet and what gender is preferred.
  • Why pets itch – discover allergies and sensitivities.
  • If there is any pain and how to heal it.


Pet Energy Healings & Readings

*By appointment only
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What's the difference?

A pet reading is a form of communication with animals that involves energetically connecting, interpreting, and understanding their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Your pet will show me if they are in pain or why they are behaving or performing in a specific way.

I can answer many questions about their health, food, pain, behavior, or performance issues.

In an energy healing, you will receive a reading too as I have to evaluate what is wrong with the pet. They will communicate to me where there is an issue in their emotional and physical body.

Energy healing on a pet involves using alternative healing techniques to balance and restore the pet’s energy system. I do this through various modalities such as Reiki, acupressure, tuning forks, essential oils, and craniosacral release. I move out the stuck energy in the pet’s body which will help the pet with mental, emotional, and physical pain.

This will help the pet relax, reduce stress, and improve mood, healing, and performance.

During an energy healing, you will see the pet relax and sometimes fall asleep. They will move out the stuck energy through blowing, gas, or moving their body while I work on them.

Energy healings usually take an hour depending on their needs.

Appointment Request ~ Start Here

Pet Care Products

Note: Products labeled as “horse” are safe for other animals.

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